Author: 陶圆,徐楚然,Nancy Zhang,Kelly Lee, Dingzhong Ding, Cathy Tu
Layout: Chelsea
SOLEIL The Podcast 前几集 Depp v. Heard Trial: The Red Herring 聚焦的事件是约翰尼·德普与艾梅伯·希尔德的庭审。他们的庭审直播在网络上迅速传播并变得越发戏剧化。德普以 5000 万美元起诉希尔德诽谤以从之前的家庭虐待指控中洗清自己的罪名。陪审团最后做出了有利于约翰尼·德普的判决,但人们仍然留下了许多疑问。例如,在网络上针对艾梅伯的抹黑是否代表了社会对敢于发声的女性的厌女情结?社交媒体在对所谓的「正义」的维护中到底扮演了什么角色?是否因为社会现状而导致了艾梅伯在审判后仍受到质疑?这是否意味着 #MeToo运动的倒退? 庭审的影响远未结束。因此在第一集中,我们决定深入研究这次庭审的不同方面。我们的主持人 Cathy 和 Dingzhong 将带领我们踏上一段激动人心的旅程,讨论妇女权利、社会正义和家庭虐待。 You've probably been on jury duty 24/7 the past several months. So have we. The Depp v. Heard trial is truly a nation-wide armageddon with a twist of Legally Blonde. Bredehoft fixes her gaze on the jury, pulling out a circular wheel of red, yellow, pink, and green. Milani Cosmetics steals the spotlight and clears the air.
Sound familiar? Thought so. Today we talk about this and more. We will be asking why we can't seem to get enough of this legal drama-turned #MeToo battle, why we've been seeing so much of Amber Heard on YouTube and TikTok, and why this trial has become a cultural red herring. Tune in to find out what we think!
在下月即将推出的几集中,我们将继续讨论关于德普与艾梅伯的庭审。在后续的几集(Girl, Assaulted: Tangshan Violence)中, 我们将聚焦到唐山打人事件。唐山打人事件发生在 2022 年 6 月 14 日凌晨 2 点 40 分左右。三名女性在拒绝性骚扰时严重受伤。这件事引发了一场关于厌女症和暴力的全国性讨论,因为它可能发生在任何人身上。在这集当中,我们将讨论以下问题:是什么导致了中国网友们的激烈辩论?这件事究竟是性别问题还是安全治理问题?这对中国其他地区的女性意味着什么? Have you ever met someone who tells you to cover your shoulders because it was seductive? They think it's their right that girls obey them, and their charm is immaculate. They harass you and beat you when you reject them when they should give themselves a punch first. Yep, you heard me right. This is not in GTA5 or Gotham; it all happened at a barbecue place in Tangshan city, China. The assault took place around 2:40 am, June 14, 2022. Three women were severely physically injured when they reject sexual harassment. It sparked a national discussion about misogyny and violence because it could've happened to any woman. In these couple of episodes, we will talk more about this event. What are the fierce online debates about? Why can we never seem to get over whether it's a gender problem or a security problem? What does this mean for women in China and beyond? Tune in to listen to our discussion.