Author: 陶圆,徐楚然,Nancy Zhang,Kelly Lee, Dingzhong Ding, Cathy Tu
Layout: William Bai
这个月中,我们首先聚焦到的是唐山暴力事件 (Girl, Assaulted: Tangshan Violence)。唐山暴力事件发生在2022 年 6 月 14 日凌晨 2 点 40 分左右,三名女性拒绝了另一群陌生男性的性骚扰,之后被无故暴力对待并严重受伤。在监控被曝光后,这件事引发了一场关于厌女症和暴力的全国性讨论。 在 Ep 4 & Ep 5 中,我们围绕这起恶性事件展开讨论:是什么导致了这场事件在网上激起轩然大波?这件事究竟是性别问题还是安全治理问题?这对中国所有地区的女性意味着什么? Have you ever been told to cover your shoulders because it was seductive? Have you ever been spoken to as if you. as a woman. are obliged to obey orders? They harass you, humiliate you, beat you, and then accuse you of throwing the first punch. Yep, you heard me right. This is not in GTA5 or Gotham; it all happened at a barbecue place in Tangshan, China. The assault took place at round 2:40 AM, June 14, 2022. Three women were brutally grabbed, beaten, and kicked by a gang of men after rejecting an unwanted sexual approach. The incident sparked a national discussion about misogyny and violence. Today, we talk about this event. What happened prior, and what happened after? What are the fierce online debates about? Why can we never seem to get over whether it's a gender problem or a security problem? What does this mean for women in China and beyond? Tune in to hear what we think! 接下来一集,我们关注了国际新闻:美国反堕胎法案。2022 年 6 月 24 日,极端保守派大法官 Alito、Thomas、Gorsuch、Kavanaugh 和 Barret 投票推翻了具有历史性意义的罗诉韦德案。在这事件发生后的两个月,我们终于将我们的愤怒、不解与分析记录下来,也想与大家讨论这个事件将如何改变我们的现在和未来。这一决定损害了妇女的权利,而这些影响有哪些明显或不明显的利弊?这将如何影响到LGBTQIA+ 社区及其他少数群体? We also focused on global issues. One step forward, three steps back: What was previously assumed impossible has happened. On June 24th, 2022, ultra-conservative Justices Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barret voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. It has been two months since the overturn, and we’re finally ready to piece together our anger, frustration, and confusion and discuss how it will change the present and the future forever. How does this decision harm women's rights? Are these impacts as far-fetched as some think? How do they extend into the LGBTQIA+ communities and beyond? This is not a fun ‘time travel’ for anyone, but in voicing our grievances we come together and heal, so tune in and get ready for a ride. /