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No. 63 | Opinion: Body Positivity vs. Neutrality

Author: Kelly Lee, Churan Xu, Emma Tao, Sophie Qiu, Nancy Zhang, Dingzhong Ding, Cathy Tu

Layout: Dingzhong Ding

Editor: Dingzhong Ding, Tzuchi Lin

在过去的几年里,「身体自爱」运动在外网被推上了风口浪尖:尽管这个运动提倡无论身材、尺码、肤色和身体能力,每个人都应该爱自己的身体,它仍然遭受了很多网友的批评。最近,我们又迎来了一个新的概念 ——「身体中立」,随之而来的是一场同样富有争议的讨论。在这集中,我们将深入研究「身体自爱」与「身体中立」之间的相同点和区别:它们是什么? 它们源于什么? 它们各自的优点和局限性是什么? 敬请收听,一探究竟!Episode 8: Pick Your Poison: Body Positivity vs. Neutrality 选段: Cathy: "Positivity in itself could be toxic because while some people might feel like the body positivity movement is very empowering for them, not every one of us is super passionate about the mindset of 'I accept my body. It's absolutely beautiful' because not all of us manage to focus only on the positive aspects of our bodies. My insecurities don't just magically disappear when I scroll through videos of other girls showing that they love their bodies. It's great. I love that for them… There's this expectation for me to get over my insecurities because other people can." “有时候,「身体自爱」也能给人们带来困扰:「身体自爱」运动给一些人带来力量和自信,但也有一群人并不那么认同「我完全接受我的身体,它非常美丽」这个思维方式,因为不是所有人都能无时无刻不在关注自己身体的闪光点。我的身材焦虑不会因为刷到了别的女生「自爱」的视频就瞬间消失。相反,我有时候甚至会感到「别人都能爱自己,那我必须也得克服焦虑」。” Dingzhong: "There was a line in an article that I read…'you may be able to feel sexy or pretty at any size, but definitely not healthy [to be morbidly obese]…' For those who can control their bodies, it's 100% fine to love your body and think it is beautiful, but it is not okay to demonize those who live a healthy lifestyle and promote your lifestyle as the only norm or your body as the only 'real' body." “我前段时间读到一篇文章说:「无论你穿什么尺码,你都可以爱自己和自己的身体,但是你不能认为病态肥胖也是健康的。」对于那些对身体有主权的人,认为自己的身体是美丽固然无罪,但是把健康的生活方式妖魔化或宣称只有自己的身材才是唯一「真实」和「正常」的身材是绝对不能允许的。”

图片来源 | Pinterest

Cathy: "For example, when Tess Holliday first stepped out as a cover magazine model, one thing that came up was that she was also very pressured to not let her fans down by doing the bare minimum for her health. In an interview with Cosmos British Magazine, she shared her workout regimen and how she intentionally didn't want to make it about weight loss and avoided things that would make her much healthier because she thought that that would make her fan base feel betrayed."

“当大码真人秀演员 Tess Holliday 最初成为杂志封面模特时曾提到自己倍感压力,为了不让粉丝们失望,特地避免不做让健康的事情。在一次 Cosmos British Magazine 的采访中,她分享了自己平时的锻炼计划,并解释说自己会避免通过健身减重,也会避免健康的生活方式,因为她担心自己会「背叛大码粉丝群体」。”

"It was really sad because these people don't see themselves represented in popular media, then suddenly see people that they can look up to, which causes a lot of pressure on the individual as well. If these individuals decide they want to change and do so, they're suddenly attacked and called hypocritical. When Billie Eilish went on Vogue with a very, very elegant corset, contrasting her original looks of oversized t-shirts, hoodies, and baggy pants, she was criticized for not being herself anymore."

“这是很可悲的:大码的人们在大众媒体上看不到自己的身材,也没有人代表他们的形象,突然看到了一个能够代表他们的身材类型的人,就会给这个个体带来巨大的压力,如果这个个体决定改变就一定会被攻击。当 Billie Eilish 登上《Vogue》杂志,穿着一套优雅的束身衣而不是以往的超大T恤、帽衫和宽松裤子时,网友批评她已经「失去了自我」。”

Dingzhong: "Or when Lizzo did the infamous 10-day smoothie detox, just to feel mentally or physically better, she faced a lot of criticism and was called out as a hypocrite. People were saying she's just trying to sell a brand image when she says, 'big girls do whatever you want with your bodies', and in a lot of her songs where she promotes this healthy image of her body and the bodies of people who are full figured. " “再比如说,当美国知名大码歌手 Lizzo 在社交平台上分享里自己的清肠排毒成果时受到了外国网友的猛烈抨击。网友认为 Lizzo 曾经说「大码女孩想做什么就做什么,不要在意世人的眼光」,并在歌中宣扬大码身材之美,但却又私下里排毒减肥,是「粉丝群体面前的虚伪」和「对所有大码女孩的背叛」。”

"It's just concerning to me to think about how people might feel that they can't or aren't allowed to do some things because of some moral obligation they feel towards a group they never intentionally chose to be associated with." “令人沮丧的是,社交平台上像「身体自爱」的潮流有时候会起到巨大的反作用。尤其对于明星和公众人物来说,很容易被道德绑架,导致他们为了满足某个特殊群体的需要无法对自己的身体做出任何改变,即便这些改变能够改善他们的身心健康。”

Cathy: "When you think of China specifically, and also commonly seen in most parts of Southeast and East Asia, I feel like there's a lot of attention on beauty as well, with sometimes excessive amounts of obsession over physical appearances, being exposed over Xiao Hong Shu and other types of social media. There's a lot of videos on working out and exercise - which don't get me wrong, are great — but there's also external pressure coming from content that simply says, 'you need to do this, this, and that in order to be healthy, and you have to be that it girl.' That even became a trend on YouTube. If you're not checking all the boxes, it makes you feel like you're not being healthy."

“除了欧美国家以外,当我们想到中国和很多其他东亚、东南亚国家,我们也可以经常看到对身材和容貌的过度执着。健身视频在小红书和外国社交平台遍地都是 —— 这当然是好的,但也有很多人会直接告诉你「你要做这做那,做不到就不在健康生活」。这种视频曾经甚至风靡 Youtube:如果你没有遵循一系列网红潮人设定的规则使用他们在使用的产品,喝他们在喝的低脂奶昔,那你的生活方式就不配称作「健康」。”

Dingzhong: "You have to want it for yourself. You can't feel that you're trying to conform to something else just because you're told to do so. Like it's not a good reason to practice wellness."



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